Hi, welcome back to the guest blog. As I always do before I interview a guest and ask questions, I wanted to tell you what inspired me to do interviews. I may have mentioned why I'm doing it but I can't remember I told you what inspired me to do this. Meg told me this is her first time being interviewed. I can understand. I have never had an interview last summer. Someone on Twitter: she is a writer and does an interview with other writers and shares their stories. She wanted to do an interview with me and asked me simple questions like writing, hobbies, and other stuff. And she shared my published ebooks. She inspired me and I wanted to do the same. Now, it's time to turn to our guest.
Hello, Meg. Can you tell us about yourself?
Meg: "I'm a wife to my sweetheart, a mom to four kids, and currently living out my dream job as a full-time writer. Life for me is very busy! My writing and my family are my life."
That's great. What inspired you to become a writer?
Meg: "When I was a teenager, I was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor, and the sadness and tragedy of that event required me to need an outlet. I began journaling about everything that was happening to me and recording everything that was going on. Years later to when I was about twenty-six, I was still suffering from epilepsy. Even though the tumor was removed, I felt like I needed to express myself somehow. I'd always looked up to Jane Austen and after reading all of her novels, I knew that she was someone I wanted to aspire to be like."
Meg, despite what you have gone through, you are here. That's a blessing part. So, Jane Austen inspired you, when you wrote your first story?
Meg: "That's how I decided to write my first novel. I took my journals written many years prior and poured those emotions into writing a book. But the process of actually writing was far funnier and involved my husband's snoring. He kept me up late one night and I couldn't sleep! Thus, the journey began!"
Hahaha, that's funny. So, you write characters based on real people?
Meg: "Sometimes. I have used inspiration based on people in life but no names. The inspiration I get for names usually comes from street signs or old cemeteries."
Cool! What is your favorite thing in writing?
Meg: "I love making people happy. There is so much hurt and sadness in the world and I like being a part of something that brings people out of their sad place for a little while. Now, that doesn't mean my books are all about happiness. It just means I create a world where people can go to escape. I think that's what I loved about writing.
I agreed. I'm the same way. I like to write with positive and happy stories. However, it's important we have both to create good stories. What do you don't like in the writing process?
Meg: "I think the most boring process of writing for me is the second draft. Once the first draft of the book is written, I just want it to be done and sent to the publisher! I'm so impatient.
You aren't the only one who is impatient. Trust me, it's really hard to be patient!
Meg: "Ha! I know that my story needs to be revised more, which is why I dive into it again.
I understand. When you aren't writing what do you like to do?
Meg: "I do have a lot of things I like to do. I'm very musical and I play the piano. I also love to make things and spend much of my time sewing. When I'm not doing that, I like taking a long walk, listening to Piano Guys. My favorite instrument is the cello.
What books really help you to improve your writing skills?
Meg: "I adore the classics. I've been reading them since I was young. Jane Austen will always be my favorite. There's something about the way she writes and the melodic tone of her prose. My heart melts. Some other favorites of mine are Poe, Shakespeare, Dickens, and Carroll. As a fantasy writer, I have enjoyed reading the Narnia series, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Anne Rice."
I do enjoy reading classics too. Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Count of Monte Cristo were three classics I read in the last months in 2019 to 2020. I did read some of the Narnia series too and watched the movies too. And for J.R.R, I watched the movies because I had a hard time getting into it. I noticed you like to read different genres. Do you write a variety of genres?
Meg: "I currently have three novels published from three genres."
Nice, what are they?
Meg: “The novels I published: one is a dark fantasy/paranormal romance, the second is a new adult romance, and third is a romantic tragedy. Right now I’m working on three different novels, one is another dark fantasy, second is a new adult romance, and the last is historical romance.”
You keep yourself busy. That’s good. Meg, thank you for being here and sharing your story with us.
Meg: “Thank you so much for having me as a guest blogger. I absolutely love sharing my story of writing. I wouldn’t dream of any other life.
Now, if you want to check out Meg Sechrest’s works, buy her books, click this link www.authormegsechrest.com or follow her on Instagram meg_sechrest and on Twitter @meg_sechrest