Hello, fellow readers; I’m back with a new guest blog. This month's blog, I’ll be interviewing Jasmine, the owner of Salient Books. If you are on Instagram and see pictures she has created for Fables of Hope and Light anthology and other books by different authors, she has an online indie bookstore where people can shop and buy books. These books are written and published by indie authors. I thought this would be a lovely way for you to get to know her as a person and why she started this online indie shop. Let’s welcome her and begin the interview. Before I start asking questions, can you tell us about yourself?
Jasmine: “My name is Jasmine and I’m the sole proprietor of Salient Books. I am not just the CEO of this business, but I’m the graphic designer, social media manager, accountant, photographer, video editor, shipping/ receiving clerk, and the site coordinator. I’m also a reader at my very core as it is the only reason I am still moderately sane. So, I want to change how the book world works by working towards offering everything a traditional publishing house does without being one like allowing indie authors not to feel pressured to become traditional publishers just to get the opportunities.”
My goodness, you have a lot of skills under your belt, which is a good thing. It makes sense why you wanted to use your abilities to help others who may not have that and use it to bring more exposure to the authors’ books. Now, what inspired you to start the business?
Jasmine: “Honestly, in 2023 after a failed attempt to say goodbye to the world, I was in a deep depression where I could go through the motions I needed to in order to keep my household going, but that was about it. It wasn't until Chris, my husband, got me a book. It was the first time since my ex destroyed everything that I realized I had never thought about reading again until that point. But when I started reading, I realized how much I missed reading, and how deeply I needed the escape from reality. The more I read the more I started crawling out of the darker parts of my life. As the collection grew I thought to myself I almost have a little bookshop in my home, and after seeing countless packages arrive damaged, I figured there was room for my little shop in the world (I love using packaging to make things more personal for the reader while keeping the books safe). While I was brainstorming I realized just how difficult it was going to be to do this from absolute zero (no friends or family). I saw that Indie authors were also struggling, so I figured why not make it a place where my indie bookshop and indie authors could lift each other up and grow into something bigger than just another bookshop.”
Books do have a way of bringing hope into a person’s life. Stories have a way of encouraging and lifting the spirit to remind us as readers that we have a purpose on earth. I’m glad you are here. You found a love for reading again, giving you the passion to open an online bookshop. What is your favorite thing about setting up this online indie bookstore?
Jasmine: “The best part of setting up this online indie bookstore is easily just being able to be surrounded by these amazing authors. The indie authors I work with are the heart of Salient Books, and they all come from walks of life. I literally would be nothing without them. They’re the most supportive,helpful, and inspiring people I have ever met and many of them, I consider to be my found family. Even though I’ve only been open for a few months, many of these authors already make me feel as though I've known them for years.”
Yes, it is truly a blessed thing to connect with people from different parts of the world. While tending the shop and doing all the things, what do you like to do when you are not busy?
Jasmine: “I am almost never not busy because I love multitasking. It keeps me from getting lost in my own head. But if I am not taking care of the household or the shop, I am probably playing with my kids doing something creative, or escaping reality through reading.”
Ah, yes. There is always something to keep us busy. Now that you have opened the shop, what is one thing you would love to achieve?
Jasmine: “One of my smaller goals is to get a brick and mortar so I can host book signings with the indie authors I work with and have themed days. Sunday would be a quiet book club for those who want to read in silence, but not alone. Monday through Friday would be an indie author spotlight where there will be virtual meet, greets, and book signings for those who can make it. I plan on having a stationary and art table set up so readers can make things for their favorite authors. If they want to without having to worry about getting supplies. Saturday would be my chatty book club where everyone can rave about their newest favorite read.”
Those goals sound fantastic. I think it would be nice to have a space for art and maybe add a table for homemade goodies and a pot of tea. It would be a perfect place to visit and shop for books. If someone wants to be part of the indie bookshop, can you tell us how this works?
Jasmine: “I have everyone fill out a form on the second slide of Salientbooks.shop because it ensures no one gets lost in comments, messages, or emails. It also helps me figure out where to place everyone. Once I figure out what day of the week to feature them and what month their book goes up, I add them into the discord to network with the other authors. Then I would begin making graphics for their launches and post the graphics I made for their book on the day of the week assigned for the 4 weeks of their launch month. All proceeds from reselling their book goes back into the collection to help fund the next launch’s books.”
Wonderful. I like how you figure things out by scheduling and doing things in advance. That is a smart way to go. Now, some indie shops have different rules regarding these kinds of things. What do you not accept?
Jasmine: “To be in the Garden of Dreams Collection you have to be an indie author to be accepted and in the discord. I have to be able to have a physical copy available for me to purchase before your launch month and you need to want more than just a book sale. In the application I ask why they want to join the collection and if it says they wanted a book sale, it goes to the bottom of the list because other places can sell a book. I’m doing a lot more than just selling a book because Salient Books is about a community of people who want to see others succeed by supporting and helping each other out. The more indie authors who act towards that goal the faster it will be accomplished.”
When you introduced yourself and welcomed me into the discord, I knew something was different and special. You have a heart to help others; your business reflects that more than just selling a book. What can we do to help you in this business?
Jasmine: “Outside of ordering a book from the shop, all I ever ask from people is to like, share, and follow because it helps get the algorithms to let me in. The more eyes I have on everyone’s books the more likely I am to make a sale, which then helps fund the collection and creates more opportunities for indie authors in the shop. However, if people want to support me to keep the business going, I do have a “Buy Me A Coffee” where people can donate a dollar to help fund getting indie books into the shop because currently everything comes out of my pocket. I don't charge the authors in the collection anything.”
Thank you, Jasmine, for being here and sharing your journey of opening Salient Books with us. Friends, please check out her website at https://salientbooks.shop to see the books she has available now. You can find Salient Books on Instagram, Threads, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and TikTok.