Hello, welcome to my blog. Before I began, I
want to share my experiences in blogging and
what I do.
The past year, I started a site, but it wasn't anything like this. Many blogs are short and simple. I didn't do anything elaborate because I was new at blogging. Now I'm familiar with
some techniques and see other people's blogs, I'm ready to take the next level in my blogging. I do enjoy doing those things, which
I will continue doing something like that. For now, I want to go back in 2019 and share with you what happened in the past year.
I published two stories. One is a self-published eBook and short historical story in the anthology. If you want to see the stories I published; I provide the links in eBooks, so check it out.

In heart, I love writing fantasy and adventurous stories. Some writers like to stick to one genre while others like to do multiple genres. I am one of those people. I have written stories like The Promise that isn't fantasy, I personally believe fantasy is something I am really good at, but sometimes it is okay to step out and try something different. Some genres are going to be harder than others. It depends on what you are going to write. Not every genre is easy. Believe me! I may not be good at a certain genre, yet it challenged me and helped me to grow better in writing.

Besides writing stories, I have done other activities like helping my family with church events or hanging out with a youth group. When I am not doing those things, I like to do some crafts like crocheting. I was young when I started crocheting. I used to make afghans hats and other fun stuff. But as I got older, I didn’t crochet as much. This year I find crocheting a cactus is what people are into these days. I make these for my family and close friends as gifts. However, crocheting is one of my hobbies I enjoy doing.
When I don't feel like crocheting, I like to draw pictures. Sometimes drawing helps me to think functionally and freedom to expand my imagination. I would draw fairies, which is one of the things that inspired me to write fantasy, and other times I draw different drawings. I shared some of my artworks on this site if you want to check it.
During the summer I went to Michigan and Indiana. I got to see the beaches and shop in little stores and eat new foods. It was pretty fun and enjoy it a lot.

I also got to spend a day with a friend, Heather. Heather and I became close friends in the past two years. We know each other through Facebook and met at Jefferson for the first time. We hung around the mall, ate lunch, did some painting together, and shopped for a couple of hours. We had a great time.

Did I read any new books? Yes, I did. I usually try to keep myself in reading new books. I'm a picky person about everything. Included movies, shows, and books. However, I pushed myself to read old classics and new novels. I'm glad I did. Plus, I watched some old films. I promised I will talk about the classic books I read and my thoughts about them and the adaption movies later in the future.

Now we entered a new year, some people like to set out goals or planning things for the next 12 months. I don't plan things out, however, here are some things I have done so far in 2020.
This week I submitted my first 50K manuscript to a publisher. I’m comfortable submitting short stories if they are good, but a novel, not really. I, after a year of working hard, felt confident enough to submit it. Other than a manuscript; I send my flash stories to some online magazines. I don’t know what the outcome will be, but I trust in God because I know everything is in His hands.
Other than I will keep writing new stories, maybe go back to old stories and rewrite them, and continued reading more books. Plus, I keep on doing the things I do and love and see what happens next in 2020.