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Meet the Authors of Fables of Hope and Light Interview

Welcome readers to the guest blog. This one is a bit different because I am not only interviewing one but five authors that are part of Fables of Hope and Light anthology. Six authors came together along with myself and the editor Jannette Fuller and compiled eight stories into one book. Each author (I will not be in this since I am the one hosting this interview :D) will be answering six questions. I'm excited for you to get to know these talented authors. Let's begin the interview.
Can you tell us about yourself?
Arjaye Brewer: "Hi, I’m Arjaye, I live with my husband, children and cat Mischief in rural Auckland, New Zealand. I'm a Christian, homeschooling mumma and endometriosis advocating. I love being in nature and spending time with my family."
Anne DaRosa: "My name in Anne DaRosa. I'm a cat enthusiast and living for God in the mountains of West Virginia."
Rose Everille: "Hi, I'm Rose! I'm a fantasy writer based in the cold misty marshes of the Netherlands. I've been writing for almost four years. I always start writing by creating a setting and character dynamics. I love making aesthetic boards and playlists instead of writing. I'm a comic artist, which has been the perfect combination of drawing and writing!"
Abigail Kay Harris: "I am Abigail Kay Harris, daughter of the King, the oldest sister to seven chaotic siblings, one of which is more feral than not, (we still love 'em just as much as possible.) with the best momma in the world, homeschool graduate as of 2020, a recent Oklahoma resident, lover of dairy free chocolate, coffee, recovering moldie, lover of the outdoors, skilled in the art of sarcasm and brewing tea on a cozy day with a book in hand. I am an entrepreneur working in all stages of publishing works."
Marie Lynch: "My name is Marie. I am a Christian writer, photography dabbler, and an avid reader. Just trying to bring glory to the one who created me!"
Why did you become a writer?
Arjaye Brewer: "During my teenage years, I dreamt of being a writer and re-discovered writing in 2021. I wanted to write to share stories people would enjoy others and share my love of God."
Anne DaRosa: "My best friend published her debut novel two years ago. I volunteered to be her editor. When I mentioned that it was fun and maybe I should write my own, she fully supported the idea. When I was little, I came up with short stories all the time. I just never considered publishing as an option before her."
Rose Everille: "The simple answer is that it was the pandemic and I was bored. I ran out of books to read so I started writing one. Writing has grown so far beyond this though. It's become a medium to explore life, ideas, and fears. It's a way to become someone else for a while and change perspectives."
Abigail Kay Harris: "Because I couldn't help it...? God gave me the ability to write and that's something that I haven't been able to stop doing."
Marie Lynch: "I have always had a very vivid imagination. I started writing for fun when I was around 11/12, but as I got older and life got let’s say “more intense” writing became an escape for me where I could talk about how I feel without actually directly talking about it."
What genre (s) do you like to write?
Arjaye Brewer: "I love to write clean fantasy fiction and non-fiction too. All of my stories also include my faith and honour God and His love for us all."
Anne DaRosa: "Mysteries are my favorite genre to read, so that is my go-to when writing. I tend to add a bit of wit and sarcasm as well."
Rose Everille: "My main genre at the moment is fantasy, but I have written stories in multiple genres, and look forward to exploring more!"
Abigail Kay Harris: "Any, really. I've previously written almost any genre except for horror, sci-fi, and magical fantasy. My favorite genres to write are historical fiction, contemporary romance with military ties, small town settings, and second chances with strong themes of valuing life."
Marie Lynch: "I enjoy writing Christian fiction. So far, My current WIPs is a Christian Fantasy with a hint of Scifi that is all about spiritual warfare and a Christian fairytale with Hope in hopeless and God’s faithfulness being the main focus."
Favorite snack and drink?
Arjaye Brewer: "My favourite drinks are black tea, bubble tea and cocoa. My favourite snack is homemade ginger or shortbread biscuits."
Anne DaRosa: "Favorite snack is going to be taco dip. I eat enough of that it probably doesn't constitute a snack, but that is my answer. It may sound basic, but milk is my favorite drink."
Rose Everille: "Bubble tea is always my favorite, but hot chocolate is a close second. As for snacks, usually dark chocolate. I don't even like dark chocolate that much, but it's an ideal writing snack."
Abigail Kay Harris: "Lately, I've fallen in love with @missjonesbakes gluten and dairy-free mixes that go wonderfully with a hot cup of coffee with dairy-free creamer."
Marie Lynch: "I’m not sure on my favorite snack because it changes so much, but at the moment chips and french onion dip lol and If I had to choose a drink it would be lemonade."
What hobbies do you like to do when you are not writing?
Arjaye Brewer: "When I'm not writing you'll find me doing calligraphy, cross stitch, drawing, punch needle or knitting."
Anne DaRosa: "I mostly enjoy painting, knitting, and reading. I used to cook and bake a lot. Also, anything having to do with cats, I'm interested!"
Rose Everille: "I have tried my hand at just about every craft imaginable. I tend to come home from art school and then draw to relax, which is a contradiction if I ever saw one. I also started doing Historical European Martial Arts because I have characters who sword-fight. It's made writing fight scenes so much more fun."
Abigail Kay Harris: "I like to dabble in drawing, but truly, I am a workaholic, so I'm likely to be found doing graphic design, working on my latest cover or format design for an upcoming release, or reading. Sometimes, I can be found baking if the weather is just right for a cozy day spent in the kitchen."
Marie Lynch: "I have so many hobbies that I have to switch every few months lol. I go from song writing to reading to painting to photography. I will have to say photography is probably one of my favorites. Outside of creative hobbies I enjoy all things outside especially fishing and walking trails."
What is one thing you hope the readers take from your story?
Arjaye Brewer: "My prayer is readers will take away hope; during the tough times, there is something good. Through these times there are always people there for you and most importantly God is always with you too."
Anne DaRosa: "God is with you. Always. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. That is the main takeaway. Even when you don't think He can hear, or He doesn't care; reach out. You will find Him waiting."
Rose Everille: "I just hope you have fun with it! I loved playing with language in this story, it's quite different from my usual utilitarian prose. I feel like the story speaks for itself."
Abigail Kay Harris: "That all life is precious and that there is hope no matter the hardship readers may currently be facing."
Marie Lynch: "Something I hope those who read my story and frankly anything I write, take from it is that God truly does make beauty from ashes. No matter how hopeless the situation seems, God is faithful and true to his never changing word. Which is something he has proved to me countless times in what seems to be impossible situations."
Paperback and ebook
Fables of Hope and Light
I hope you enjoyed the interview. This anthology has been a blessing to be part and grateful that God has made a way for us to published anthology. We wanted to put out good stories to bless other poeple. If you like to support us and read eight stories, you can purchase Fables of Hope and Light on Amazon. It will be available in paperback and ebook format. Another way to support us is by leaving a honest review on Amazon and Goodreads or BookBub. Most of all, please to be sure let other knows about the anthology because word of mouth is a powerful tool. Thank you agian for stopping by and reading the blog. Till then, happy reading!


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