Hello, friends. It has been a while since I posted a blog. I want to share some stories with you about my camping trip in up northern Michigan. Before I began, I never went camping before. I don’t like to sleep outside because of mosquitoes. They always get inside a tent or anywhere. They are little foes. I sleet in a tent a few times in the backyard when I was younger. However, this time of year, the weather is cooler, and hardly any mosquitoes. That’s a good thing.
The trip to Mackinaw City is roughly five hours from my sister’s house, who lives in Michigan, and I live in Ohio. So, my sister drove to Ohio to get me and I came back with her and the rest of the members to the campsite. We arrived and set up tents. After we ate, I slept in my tent.
Here are some pictures of the campsite.
My sister Miranda and a family member Rosie set up cooking plans. One would do breakfast and the other do dinner. Throughout the week, we had eggs, bacon, sausage, and French toasts or pancakes. And the same with dinner. We had a burger with an egg, a whole grilled fish that the camper would eat after fishing, and Mexican tacos. And the fun part we cook marshmallows over the bonfire. I like to eat Hershey chocolate. (😋)
While we stayed at the Mackinaw, we went to a few places. On Friday we crossed the bridge to St. Ignace. I snapped some pictures. Some of these photos I am going to share with my sister took them.
The best day was going on an island. We aren’t able to drive to the island because there isn’t a bridge to that location. The only way to get on that is by riding on a ferry boat. We got to the dock and I couldn’t believe how many people were waiting in the line to get on a boat. After half an hour of waiting, we hopped on the ferry boat, and off we went to the island.
Because of COVID-19, we all still restrict ourselves to wear a mask and social distance. Well, I’m afraid that didn’t happen on the island. I can say there were people wearing masks, but hardly any distance. It’s awfully crowded. There are three ways you can go on the island. You can ride a bike which I brought along, and the others did the same, or walk on foot or ride in a carriage. We left the dock and rode our bikes around the entire island. We paused a few times to gaze at the breathtaking views.
After riding around the island, we ate lunch and then rode more. This is my first time being on the island and we got lost. My sister went one way and the rest of us headed a different direction. There were high and low hills. I love riding my bike, but I couldn’t ride up high and had to walk up. And I had trouble with my brakes and ended up crashing through the pretty garden in the middle of the high hill. I was quite embarrassed. That wasn’t my fondest moment. While we were trying to get back to the dock, we stopped at the restroom. I met a woman who was deaf and we communicate briefly in ASL (American Sign Language)
We found our way back to where we came in earlier. Even sweeter, I saw eleven huskies in two days! That is a lot for someone who loves huskies. (😍) I bought something from a little bookstore and got a pumpkin sundae. It was delicious. We returned to the ferryboat and headed back to the campsite.
Sunday we relaxed and chill. I took a Mission Hollywood book by Michelle Keener (click the book to get your copy or check out her website to see her other works) me to a pool and read chapters. I didn’t swim, but the others did. Around eight o'clock the storm arrived, and we all hurried in the large tent. To be honest, I grew terrified because it was thundering lightning and heavy rain. We had TV, and all watched Enemy at the Gates, a story based on true events during World War ll in Russia. Eventually, the storm eased up, and the rain stopped.
The next day we went on a hiking trail in Paradise, which is about an hour from where we are at. We walked about eight miles and saw waterfalls. Here are some pictures I took from that trail.
After five days of staying at the campsite, we left the next day. Despite the errors being lost or being in the crazy storm on the camping trip, I had a wonderful time.