Hello readers. This month I will interview a debut author from London. In fact, this is the second person I have privilege to connect with outside of America. Before I begin the questions, first I wanted to share my thoughts on her debut novel The Wing Thief. I didn't know anything about this till I saw it on Twitter. Now, Twitter is a great place to connect with other writers and authors. Plus, it is one of the ways to show their published works. When I saw this novel, I was stunned by the cover. The blue cover with a fairy and all of sparkly effect really caught my attention. And the title too. I read the blurb and it sounds really intriguing. I brought it immediately and begin to read it.

I couldn’t stop reading it. The story and the characters were pretty impressive. I left my review on Amazon. But I can show it to you here. “When I saw this, I immediately brought a copy. The cover is absolutely stunning. I really enjoyed the story. The author did a great job creating the fairy world. I recommend this because you don't want to miss out on the fairy adventure!” I loved how she created the details and the meaning of the story. The ending was done well. It is a worthwhile adventure to dive in. Now, you know my thoughts, let’s welcome the author Samatha Atkins.
Hi, Samatha. Can you tell us about yourself?
Samatha: “My name is Samantha Atkins and I’m a 31-year-old mother of two living in Wales, UK with my partner, Layla. We have two dogs, Stella and Lexi, who have definitely helped keep our step counts up during lockdown! Some of my favourite things include spending time with my family, drinking tea, Disney and musicals.”
Nice. Haha, yeah dogs have a way to keep people busy. I like to drink tea too. Though, I drink water more than tea sometimes. Anyhow, I'm glad you have a family to spend time with and enjoy the Disney movies.
Why do you like to write?
Samatha: “I have always loved writing and loved the escapism I get from losing myself in fairy tales and magic. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sitting back and creating a world entirely your own. The second-best feeling is seeing other people lose themselves in the world you’ve created and feel inspired by it.”
Yes, that’s one of the beautiful things about writing stories. We have the ability to use our creativity and imagination. We all have different ways to be creative and it is important to encourage others to do the same.
What genre you like to write in?
“My favourite genre to write is fantasy because there are so many places to go when writing. However, I do also like to experiment with other genres when I have the time.”
Same here, lol. It is funny we have similar taste in fantasy. Especially in fairies. It can’t hurt to expand our stories in different genres.
How long does it take you to write The Wing Thief?
Samatha: “I began writing The Wing Thief on and off for around a year but didn’t really take it too seriously – it was more a hobby in my spare time. When lockdown came, however, I decided that it was now or never and really focussed on completing my novel and seeing where it could go. I think it took roughly around 4 months to complete once I decided that I was going to give it a shot.”
That is great you accomplished it.
Where did you get some inspiration for your fairy stories?
Samatha: “I love anything fantasy related, whether through reading or watching TV. I love the TV show Once Upon a Time and found that, losing myself in that for a while, really gave me the push to get back to creating my own magical world. I also enjoy reading many fantasy books (I’m currently reading Harry Potter with my children). The excitement they get over the magic in the stories and the imagination it creates with them inspires me to keep writing. “
You aren’t only one watched OUAT show. My sister and I watched it together whenever a new episode came on. They really did put a lot of magical elements in that show. You know what they say inspiration is everywhere.
What is your favorite part in writing?
Samatha: “My favourite part of writing is the ability to create whatever I like. When it comes to fantasy, there are no rules. I can design any creature, describe any place and, within the pages of my book, it exists. The possibilities are endless and that’s such a freeing and exciting feeling.”
You like to do drafting then? That’s awesome. First draft can be hard for most people and some isn’t. As long as you have the motivation and dedication to keep going, that’s great!
Did you have struggles in the process?
Samatha: “I think the main struggle I had when writing was a lack of self-confidence. It’s quite a vulnerable feeling, creating something and then putting it out into the world and hoping that people like it. Once I was able to push past my own self-doubts, it became easier to keep going.”
It can be vulnerable for many of us, especially if it is the first debut novel or not. I know the feeling when it comes to sharing to the world and hoping that people like it. I’m glad you were able to push that self-doubt.
Who is your favorite character?
Samatha: “In The Wing Thief, my favorite character is Grecko. I think that he is the epitome of friendship and loyalty. Despite his hard life, he is always focussed on caring for others and I think he shows how special and important it is to be kind.”
I like him too. It is nice that you created him to help Vista and aided her on her journey. And most of all, he reminded her that she is special even when she doesn’t feel like that.
Are you planning to write more stories in Vista’s world?
Samatha: “Yes! The Wing Thief is the first of, hopefully, many books following adventures throughout Letherea. I’m already in the process of writing the sequel and can’t wait for everyone to read it.”
Yay. Seriously, I would love to see more of these fairy adventures. I can’t wait to read them.
What is your advice for writers when come to write a fairy stories?
Samatha: “Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Fairy stories have been around for a long time and there aren’t any rules so feel free to experiment and get creative!”
Thank you Samatha for being here. I had a loving time interviewing you.
Samatha: “I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to read this. I can’t wait to share more with you as other stories from Letherea unfold!”
If you want to check out Samatha’s debut book The Wing Thief, it’s available on Amazon. It would be appreciated if you check it out. Feel free to follow her out on social media Instagram @samantha.v.atkins, Twitter @SamanthaVAtkins, and TikTok: @samantha.v.atkins.