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My Summer Days

Hello friends. It has been a little while since I updated what’s going on in my life. As much as I keep up with the guest blog each month, I change my plan about blogging about my writing life. I’ve mentioned once in my March Blog, I will do quarterly about my writing, books, and things in life. Unless something happens, I'll do a blog. For now, I'm doing one every three months.

In the past three months, not a lot of things have changed. Spring passed and summer arrived. For me, I’ve been devouring reading new books, took a month off from writing, which I’ll explain in second, and watched a bunch of movies on Disney+ Between that period, I helped my family with gardening. I mostly mulched and took the weeds to the chicken or in a burn pile and aided my dad and sister with hay for the winter. (As much as I loved living in the countryside, I’m not a typical person who loves doing those things. Especially the hay part. Sorry, being a farm girl is not my thing). Like I said earlier, nothing grand or exciting happens. Of course, there were some things that happened, but there wasn’t much to chat about.

What have I done in the last three months? Did I write anything new? Not really. Between April and May, I completed A Forever Summer novella project. If you like what the project is about, you can click this link My Days in March. I don’t want to explain everything here, so that’s why I suggest checking it out to find out more. After that, I decided to take a month off from writing anything.

Why? For a couple of reasons, my creative tank went kind of dry. I could do other projects but felt deeply needed to take off for a short period and do other things. Sometimes as writers, we need time to self-care and let our creative minds rest till you feel ready to get back to writing. I understand it’s different for everyone. You don’t have to do it if you don’t feel the need to.

While not writing, I banged on reading books and watching movies on Disney+ and YouTube videos. Sometimes, when I’m not doing those things, I’ve a lot of sketches. I’ll share some of my most recent drawings here or you can see more on Artworks, which you can if you want to see other artworks. I had fun drawing them of course :D

Now, the fun part, books I read during my rest period. Just to let you know, I won’t be sharing the full list of books because it is a lot. Plus, I want to keep it short since I’ll leave my thoughts (both positive and negative) for each one I read.

Let’s start with this The Fairy Tale Love by Naomi Hall. The author is a Christian romance writer and released her novella on May 2021. I saw this and liked the cover and intrigued by the blurb and read it last week. The story itself was cute and gave a good message of redemption. I definitely like the main characters. She did a good job creating them both. On other hand, there were some things I didn’t quite understand, like the beginning about this robbery guy somehow involved in the story and other aspects. I wish there was development into the plot, and at the least, I noticed some minor format errors. However, it was a nice touch story for a novella.

Another novella I read is one by Natalia Leigh. Over the past few years, I have known her through YouTube. I watched her videos about writing, editing, and self-publishing. With that aside, she has written a few novels, and read Pistol Daisy for the first time. I wrote a review on Amazon and will share it here. It is short but enough to show you. “After a year and so watching her channel, I finally had time to read her novella. The story is about a young woman seeking revenge, but really wants justice for the person who killed her family. I am not a big fan of Western novels, but I’m definitely intrigued by this one. It is quick and easy to read.” So, I have nothing to say except it has some rough scenes and a brief swearing. But overall, I’m definitely curious to read more on her upcoming sequel.

First time seeing Summerlost was at the library. I was surfing through books on the shelf, looking for the next TBR to read, and saw this novel. I admired the drawing and took it home with me. The story was good, and I enjoyed the characters. The story shares about the loss, but also shares about healing and friendship. It is beautiful to read.

While back I saw this copy of The Fault in our Stars by David Green. This isn’t my first-time hearing about this book. A few people I know read this and said it was a good book. One of his best works. I read the book and wow I have to say they were right. It was quite a stunning tale to read, especially when it’s about two teenagers who endured illness and how they come to know each other (and of course, fall in love). I won’t spoil the ending because it wouldn’t be fair if you haven’t read it. It’s pretty clean, though there is one sexual scene, briefly, and a couple mild swearing. But other than that, the rest of the book is alright to read.

And the last Midnight Sun (no, it is not Twilight Saga, LOL) by Trish Cook. Last summer, I can’t remember exactly. I watched the movie and really liked it a lot. And I found a book based on the film. As soon as I got the copy, I read it in less than three days. The chapters were short, easy to read and quick pace. I love the story. So, a bittersweet tale about a girl who has an illness meets the boy who was her next-door neighbor. They met one night at the station and from there, their love story unfolds. You don’t want to miss this and highly recommend reading it. I have nothing bad to say about this book. Quite clean, and easy to read and you will cry till the very end.

Well, friends. That’s all I have for you for this blog. I’ll be doing another one of these soon. If you want to receive updates when I post a new blog about my writing life, or get notification of the guest blog each month, sign up for my newsletter. You would be the first one to see them. So, you don’t want to miss out.



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