Hello readers, friends. It has been a while, maybe too long, since the last time I wrote a quarterly blog. It is hard to keep up with blogs, especially in summer. There is always something going. Last month I was supposed to do one, but I laid it off because of publication and other things. It was a lot. I let newsletters’ subscribers know about being pushed back to July. To get better at it, I tried to send more newsletter there. I wanted to grow my newsletter list because I want to stay connected with my readers and writers. Plus, I get to share updates on what’s going on monthly on publishing, deals, etc. If you want to be part of the newsletter list, chick HERE to sign up and would love to see you join. Now I’ve explained why I didn’t post a quarterly blog; it is time for me to share things that have happened in the past few months.
Between April and May, I did A Forever Summer cover reveal, and was blessed to see the support and love the people shared and commented. From there, I continued to work on marketing and promoting for the next eight weeks. When May came around, I sent out ARCs to several people, and they left reviews on Goodreads since they can’t leave a review on Amazon till it comes out. A week before A Forever Summer released, I had two things happen. One, I had quite a lot of typos in my book and corrected them before publishing the final product. Though, I know in my heart the book isn’t perfect. No book is perfect except God’s Bible. I knew my book will still have some typos, but at least won’t be a lot. I did my best to make sure the book was clean and consistent. Next time I publish another book, which I’ll talk about in a second, hire a proofreader. I did the right thing to hire a professional editor. In fact, I’ll be posting a guest blog. I would interview Kori Morgan, the owner of the Inking Creative Strategies. I kindly encourage you to sign-up for a newsletter, so you won’t miss it. You would be the first one to see when it comes out.
While able to fix the corrections, I had another problem. An embarrassing one. I missed my pre order deadline. Yes, a debut author missed the deadline. I did everything I was supposed to do, but I didn’t click publish on time. It was three days before June 7th, and this happened. I called Amazon, more than once, to help me out and they did. I uploaded and published it. Next time I need to stick to my deadline and not wait until the last minute.
A beautiful thing. Being an indie author, there will be plenty of screwups (mistakes). That’s part of being an independent publisher. I shared my thoughts on self-publishing in a four parts mini blog series. HERE or click the button to read more.
The release day arrived. I did LIVE for half an hour celebrating A FOREVER SUMMER. I can’t believe it is out in the world. This Thursday would be the first whole month since the book launched. I appreciated the love and support for being part of my writing and publishing journey. The paperback is now available on Amazon. Paperback, ebook, and Kindle Unlimited.
Other than publishing the book, I read more books and wrote some new writing projects. Last time I shared my WIP project was a winter romance and finished the revision draft in May and now as you read this blog is out, I’m revising it again. I rewrote Anastasia retelling (in my mini blog series; I shared a little about Anastasia retelling) and had a lot of fun working on it. Another fun project I started drafting is a fantasy novel.

While back, in 2020 or 2021 (I can’t remember exactly) I had this new idea for this prequel for the Transport of Troubles. A story about two teenage boys (Arryn’s grandfather and Joffrey’s grandfather) who are close friends and go to Tribrach to be part of a war and things take off from there. I only wrote several thousands of words and then laid it aside. Fast forward, after I finished Anastasia's retelling, I began redrafting the prequel and already loving it. I missed writing fantasy stories, and it’s nice to get back into that norm. Three weeks later, I passed 30k words into the story and still not done with it. In a moment, I’m taking a break to work on a winter romance because I’ve a deadline to hit. I’m going to publish this book in winter 2023. Yes, that’s right! I’m officially launching another book, and probably the last one for now. I’ll be sharing more details soon. But if you are on a Newsletter list (or planning to sign-up) you will receive the details early.
Before I closed in, I wanted to list several books I read in the past few weeks. I highly enjoyed and they were fantastic to read! I encouraged you to check them out. They are worthwhile to read!