Hello, readers. Once again, I had been a little behind on my schedule with guest blogs. Twice. Because I have been busy getting my book ready. But now When You Returned is out in the world, I should be back on track. This month’s guest blog I’m going to interview Shannon the author of the Dreaming with a Healthy Heart. She will be sharing her story and discussing dreams. Many of us know what dreams are, but today she is going to break down why she as a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ dream can be a good thing and what to avoid. Let’s welcome her.
Before we begin the interview, can you tell us about yourself?
Shannon: “Well, I am a mother to three grown kids scattered around the globe. One is going to college to be a teacher and the other two are serving in the US Army. Wife to a truly amazing, supportive husband, Jim. I was raised in the army as well. My dad was active duty most of my childhood. We lived all around the US and in Germany. As an adult I’ve lived in the mid- west, Southern Illinois to be exact. But we are soon relocating to Tennessee, that’s another adventure and story on its own ha!
In this season my heart is ethical storytelling and sharing and teaching from the truth of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
I currently write a monthly subscription letter called, “Grace Journeys,” about a fictional missionary named Grace who journeys around the world sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news! As well as telling the stories of those she meets. It’s a passion project for sure right now. Many of the letters are based on my real life mission trips.
It sounds like you had quite an adventure there. Growing up I learned to memorize that verse John 3:16 because what He did for us out of love and sent Jesus to the earth and died for our sins on the cross is grace. Before you published a book or wrote a fiction story about a character who travels around the world spreading the news, when did you start writing?
Shannon: “I started writing as soon as I learned to write. My mother read books to my sister and I and took us on regular library visits from toddler age. I think I have my first “story” from 1 st grade. I also wrote a lot of poetry in school, and even won an award. I started keeping a journal in 3rd grade, and have most of my life off and on. I always wanted to be a writer or librarian or both. Ha! There is something in me, I truly believe it was placed there by God for a purpose. That has to be written. I know I’m not the only one. The key is to learn how to also use the gift to draw people closer to God.”
Lol. It is not a bad thing to dream. I would like to work or even volunteer at a library someday. That’s cool you write poetry and won an award! Yes, I do believe God knows our desires, hopes, and dreams. And I agree about using the gift He has given us to bring people closer to Him. Now, I am curious about your debut book, Dreaming with a Healthy Heart. Why do you want to write about dreams?
Shannon: “I did not want to at first, it felt too private. God gently led me to write and share, so I did. It’s been over a year since Dreaming With A Healthy Heart was published, and the fruit from it has been overwhelming. So many people are interested in knowing more about dreaming with God. Even about God in general. It’s truly been humbling and beautiful. It’s all for God’s glory.”
I understand. It has a lot to share. Especially personal stories about your life and everything. I can’t imagine how challenging it might be. But I do imagine you had people help you. How long did it take you to write this book?
Shannon. “I had a lot of support from my husband, and close friends and family. Ultimately God led me into writing this book. It took about two and half years. For how short it is that may be shocking, ha! But I spent a lot of time praying and studying the word of God along the way. My heart was to remain as pure and full of scriptural truth as possible. It was not always easy. But it was worth it.”
I think you did a good job taking the time through this project. I know some authors work on a project for years despite how short the book is. When I read your book I can definitely see you really took the time to study His words for the subjects you are sharing in your book. Though I believe God uses dreams for a reason (like Joseph, King Nebuchadnezzar, and other Biblical characters. I can’t think of their names), some Christian don't believe in dreams or have visions is a good thing. What do you think?”
Shannon: “I think scripture proves God has always used dreams and visions as a form of communication. About one-third of the bible is content on dreams and visions. Period, God does not change. How can it not be a good thing? Both Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 tell us God is the same- yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His character is consistent, He does not change. So culture changes, and the world changes, but God doesn’t. So He still speaks!
I also know there is a lot of scripture warning on false dreams and prophecies, so I get the apprehension at times. That is why knowing the truth is so important. We know the difference in truth and lies. So we know the spirit behind what we are dreaming. We have a real enemy scripture that says, “He counterfeits and hides in plain sight to confuse, steal, kill and destroy.”
Also not every dream is from God. We also have our own mind, free will and emotions. That’s why I wrote this book, to help learn the difference.
Because I was raised Catholic, and I’m thankful for the foundation of faith and prayer I received in my childhood. But I also did not know what scripture actually says about dreaming. I had to learn unreal things too.”
You just answered my question. Yes I do believe there is a difference between having dreams from God and what is not from God. Dreams do have a way to bring comfort and some don’t. I tend to write stories with dream sequences that go both ways. But as Christian, what are things we should be aware of when it comes to dreams or vision?
Shannon: "That not all dreams and visions are from God. Spending time in scripture and prayer helps us recognize what is and what isn’t. Just remember while learning, His grace is sufficient.”
Right. Reading his Words and praying is important. I tend to go to my Bible or talk to God when I have bad dreams. I know isn’t from Him. It is the enemy. Sometimes it may be something I watch or read or hear. Or can be something in mind that I don’t think about. Who knows. But what you share is valid. Now, if a new believer starts having visions, what is your advice?
Shannon: “Write things down. Keep a record, that way you can see clearly the difference in types of dreams. Also you can sort out unhealthy patterns, and areas you need to heal, forgive and grow. God is a good father. He won’t leave or forsake you. Study what the word of God has to say, on everything. Spend time praying and asking for guidance and help in areas you may not fully grasp yet.”
Good tips to know. I think that's a wrap. Thank you Shannon for sharing your journey and talking about God and understanding the depth of dreams.
Shannon: “Thank you so much for giving me the time and space to do so. I really enjoyed it.
God bless you.”
If you want to learn and know more about Dreaming with a Healthy Heart, it is available on Amazon. You can follow her on Instagram @shannonrhess or visit her website www.shannonrhess.com to be part of a monthly subscription letter.