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There's a rumor in Cleveland? Have you heard...I met Anastasia


The rumor is true. Yes, I did get to see Anastasia the Musical and even got to meet the cast! Before I share how things went, I went to dig up what I learned about this story and understand the history behind it.

Before I started writing stories, I have always enjoyed watching movies where a character overcomes tragedy and lives happily ever after. As I grew older, I learned that some of the stories, for example, Anastasia, had the opposite plot. Now, before I say anything, I didn't know she was actually a real person. I remembered reading the description on the DVD and noticed it said, "Based on a true story," I turned to my sister and her friend and asked, "Is this story true?" I can't recall the exact words for words, but it was something like that. They told me she was a real person. My sister's friend also mentioned it wasn't an exactly happy story. It turned out they were right. The story about Anastasia where she was innocent and everything worked out, wasn't entirely true. In reality, she didn't have a happy ending.


Anastasia didn't flee from the palace, instead, the lost duchess had a tragedy for an ending. Because the movie was meant for children or adults (who watched with their children or not), they hid the truth and gave the story a positive ending. In reality, the Romanovs once lived a glamor life and in the end, they perished.

I began to read more about the family and found the truth about their deaths. I got a book The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia and other few books, but this one specifically gave some depth of the inside of the family's lives. It was interesting and then it came to the part where they were executed. They weren't killed by accident; they were MURDERED! Before they were killed, Nicholas was forced to give up his role as Tsar. He did the same for his son, who would be the next in line. Before they were transferred to Tobolsk by Alexander Kerensky before they were held by the Bolsheviks. When it happened, the family was separated and once together in a location in Petersburg weeks later. To my surprise, some of the guards were kind to them and grew sorry for the family. I think at some point during those months of captivity they see the family wasn’t as bad as they thought they were. I understand they may not have supported their people as they should.

Just before the last days of their lives, new people took over and stricter than before. The head of the group waited for the orders from the governor. Only a few miles away, there was a good army fighting against the bad army. The governor didn't want the family to be rescued. They were afraid once the good army found them, the family might rise again and fight again. I personally don't think the family wanted to be imperial again; they wanted to be free and have a normal life. I could be wrong, but after Nicholas gave up everything for the sake of his family, I don't see him going back to be the Tzar once more. The governor quickly made a plan and ordered them to have the family killed. However, after they were wiped away, the story didn't end there.

There were rumors that one of the children escaped from horrible execution. I found there were some young women claiming to be the last duchess. A woman in another country was found near a bridge. People believed she tried to jump over to kill herself. Even though she didn't do it, she was brought to the hospital. The doctors and nurses asked a couple of times for her name, she didn't reply back. Later on, people believed she was one of the Romanovs’ daughters.

I found some pictures and noticed some differences between them. I didn't really believe she was the lost princess. She didn't look at all like her. It would be hard to believe she did survive through that. Then again, I did find out the sisters and their brother wore jewels in their undergarments. Some of the friends that knew the Romanovs really well, included the girls' tutor. I did some research on her. Her name was Anna Anderson. It turned out she wasn't Anastasia. Years after she died, a team found the bones of the royal family. They only found five and two were still missing. Two were found sixteen years later. One of them was Anastasia.

About two years ago, I watched a documentary on YouTube about The Romanovs Missing Bodies. The event was brutal and terrible. But toward the end, it was quite impressive how they were able to use her bones to get the results after being treated with harsh chemicals. They used the woman's DNA after she died and DNA from Anastasia. They didn't match. The woman who claimed to be the lost duchess was an imposter. Now the family, rumors and everything had happened lay down to rest. That's a true story.

Reader, I know this sounds depressing. They don't deserve to be murdered. Even though we know the truth about the Romanovs, the theories of Anastasia lives on in countless books and films. I have seen a few movies, one was about Nicholas and Alexandra. My friend had mentioned this movie to me a while back. The movie is more focused on Tzar and his wife. It shares about their situations and choices they make for country and children, and moments they had on the last days of their life. I like the film. I was impressed. They had picked the right people for the roles. They did a splendid job.

Last summer I watched The Last Czar on Netflix. This series shows more about their son, Alex, and theories about scandals, and the influence of Rasputin, and execution. I'm going to say the show was okay. There were things that were a bit much, which I think was unnecessary. That's my opinion. We all have different opinions about shows these days.

I can't remember when I saw it, but it's a live-action Anastasia. It was the first movie they created that was inspired by Anna Anderson but fictionalized on the lost duchess and escaped from execution. To be honest, I didn't think it was that fantastic. However, it makes sense that's how they got inspired to make Anastasia, which I think many of you have seen, animation.

So many may not have heard there is a musical. The Broadway musical is based on the movie. There is no magic or evil villain, Rasputin. (I'm glad they didn't use him) They wanted this musical to be historically accurate.

Last year I found out they were coming to Cleveland in winter 2020, I immediately told my family. I have been wanting to go and see this play for some time. I don't mind buying my own ticket, I just need a ride to the play.

When my family got together for a party, my older sister handed me a bag. At first, the bag was filled with candy, then I pulled out a piece of paper with a bank logo. But it turned out (me: gasping in surprise) it was a set of tickets to Anastasia the broadway musical. I squealed with excitement.

After four months of waiting, the day has finally arrived. Before the show, my sister and I went out to eat. We had vegan pizza and it was delicious! Shortly after that, I hurried back to the car to get the gift. I almost forgot the gift I made for one actress. When we got to the play, we had to wait because they weren't ready to open the doors.

While we were waiting, we went ahead upstairs and got pictures. If you look at the picture carefully, you can see me dressed up as Anya in the third photo. A couple of minutes later we headed to our seats. I took a quick picture of the stage with playbill in I and to get our seats. Then the show started. I don't want to spoil the show if you are planning to see it for yourself. I do have to say the show was absolutely fantastic and the music and projections were done beautifully. The cast did a wonderful job pulling the show together! Everyone absolutely enjoyed it!

When the show was over, some of the people left the building to the backstage door to meet the cast. My sister and I followed them. I quickly grabbed my gold pen and the cast sign their names. I was really happy to meet Lila Coogan, an actress who plays Anya/Anastasia and Jake Levy, an actor who plays Dmitry. They both did a fantastic job in their roles! I was extremely happy Lila like the gift. You can see her holding the gift when we got a picture taken. After Lila, I got a picture with Jake. He was a pretty cool person. I had a blast and it was truly a magical night. I honestly will keep this memory forever in my heart!



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