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What's Next for 2021?

Hello readers and writers (anyone) welcome back. It has been a few weeks, but I wanted to write one more blog before turning to the new year. Now, saying it, I can’t believe the entire year has gone that fast. I understand this year has been rough for everyone, especially dealing with this virus that affected around the world, and our loved ones. This past Christmas, we have been exposed to it. My parents caught but thank God it was mild, and now they are recovering from it. At the same time, we have to be quarantined for a couple days before we can go anywhere. Just for safety.

By the time I post this blog, we’ll be entering a new year. And I’ll share a couple goals I would like to do in 2021, but also wanted to look back at what I have done in 2020 too.

Beginning of the year 2020, I started blogging and doing some guest blogs. I can’t thank you enough for stopping by and reading my blogs. And for that, I’m eternally grateful. If you want to be part of the guest blog, I’m available to add a guest on my blog. You can talk about your writing, or anything that suits your fancy. If you are interested, please contact me. Go to the contact page; and you can send me a message. I would be more glad to interview you and support your work. That is my goal for 2021 because I wanted to support writers, indie-authors (or traditional authors), and would love to interview more artists as well. Other than guest blogs, I would try to share more of my personal experiences in writing and other relative subjects.

I’m planning to submit my works. In the previous year, I have submitted a couple things. Two flash fictions got accepted, The Whole of the Moon in There is Us an Anthology, and Catharsis will soon be in Lit Stream Magazine, which I will keep you updated about. And one story about Sacred Shadow won in Istoria October writing contest. And in 2021, I’m going to try submit my first debut YA fantasy Transport of Trouble. I wrote out some query letters and synopsis. Most important, I found a couple publishers that I can submit. And maybe try submit my other short stories. In the past few years, I’ve done a couple self-published eBooks, A Western Rescue, Key to a Journey A Retelling of a Classic, and The Promise, but I don’t feel this debut novel will do well in self publishing. I have little skills to keep my eBooks going, but not this one. So, that’s why I’m shifting my course in the publishing journey. Let’s see how it goes.

I’m definitely planning to do more writing. No doubts on that. After a month and two weeks working on Transport of Troubles, I began a new WIP. It’s a retelling tale of Angus, the Celtic god of dreams. I wrote an outline, which I rarely do, and a couple character sheets, and wrote a couple chapters. But after two weeks, I just kind of went on a writing slump. I can’t get the words into my laptop. I have the story plot, and how things I wanted to go, but the words won’t come out. Perhaps I need more time to take a break and not write too much. That’s what I did and then took a pause on the project, and returned to work on Transport of Troubles during the first week in January. Yes, that is the novel I’m planning to submit in 2021, and I’ve been working on it for some time, and it was a project I did for NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month) If you want to see what that project is really about, and how it got started, tab this link to read more Returned to NaNoWriMo. Maybe when I’m done with that project, I might go back and work on that retelling tale. Sometimes some stories aren’t ready to come out. When the time is right, the story will come out. And yes, we have to write the stories if we want it's written, but we shouldn’t force ourselves to get it out if it isn’t coming out. We need to self-care our bodies and minds and let creativity juice fill our wells.

Other than writing and publishing goals, I’ll continue to share my drawings on this site. And I would like to do some landscapes and maybe try different things with art. After all, art is one of the hobbies I like to do. And read more books. I have a list of books I’m going to read, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and some indie-authors’ books, and much more. There are always more books to read, right?

I’m sure there is more I like to do in 2021, but those are things on top of my mind. Other than that, the rest is in God’s hands. And trust Him with what He has stored for me in the coming new year.



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